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Room 101 – Luis Reece

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Lorries in the outside lane
I spend a lot of time on the motorway travelling to and from games – some grounds are a fair distance from us in Lancashire – and this is something that really annoys me. Lorry drivers should be experienced enough to know what lane they should be driving in. If they stay in the outside lane they are just delaying me and everyone else. There are two other lanes and they should know they are never going to drive fast enough to avoid holding people up. It’s just common sense.
TCP Verdict: We are with you on this one Luis, nothing worse than crawling along the motorway when there’s barely any traffic. This is straight into Room 101

Lack of sleep
I am not often out partying – I am quite a boring person really – and I do value a good night’s sleep. That means that on the rare occasions that I do end up missing out on some sleep, then that really gets to me and I definitely feel it in the morning. It’s a personal thing but I need to get my eight hours in or else I struggle. I don’t understand these people who can get away with six hours a night or even less.
TCP Verdict: Burning the candle at both ends is not advisable to most Luis, but we can’t put this in Room 101. Some people work hard and play hard.

Being delayed
I hate waiting or being delayed. Whether you are flying or driving it’s always something that gets on my nerves and I can’t stand cutting it fine. Luckily nobody at Lancashire is too bad with that sort of thing – one of our squad rules is to always be on time, which suits me perfectly. I am generally pretty good on my timekeeping but when it is taken out of my hands it can be so frustrating – so I try to stay in control when I can!
TCP Verdict: Everyone has got somewhere to be Luis, the world is a crowded place. But we agree, tardiness is a real annoyance. This gets in as well.

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