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Room 101 – Holly Colvin

Pushy passengers
It really bugs me when people try and jump into the doors on the tube as they are closing. They just end up blocking the way and stopping the train from leaving on time. It is selfish. If they just waited another two minutes another one will be along. London is so well connected – it really doesn’t make a difference if you miss one train. Equally when people try and shove themselves into the carriage when there clearly isn’t enough room. You would think it is common courtesy, but it still happens regularly.
TCP verdict: Here is one we can all agree on. Passengers should keep their hands to themselves and have the patience to wait a few minutes – the English are meant to enjoy queueing after all. They can hassle their way on public transport all the way to Room 101.

Sulky mistake makers
I get irritated when a teammate makes a mistake – drops a catch or misfields the ball – and rather than trying to rectify it they start to sulk. They should run after the ball or throw it in as quickly as possible, but they are too busy bemoaning their misfortune. You see it far too often, even at the top level of the sport. It gets to me all the time, when watching on TV or playing and not just if I happen to be the unlucky bowler!
TCP verdict: You would think that these kinds of incidents would be rare in the professional game, but they pop up fairly often. It may be annoying for the bowler, but it is all part of the entertainment for the viewer. Everyone loves an on-field tiff; it heightens drama and raises tensions. We wouldn’t want to deprive spectators of that.

Event recorders
I don’t understand people intent on using mobile phones to film everything and not experience the moment. If you’re at a music concert you will see most people watching their phone, rather than just enjoying it. The film itself won’t do it justice, so why bother? It happens at sporting events as well. Surely these people must miss a lot and I doubt they actually watch back their videos anyway. Most people use the footage to brag about where they’ve been. It is completely pointless and distracts those there for the right reasons.
TCP verdict: A very modern problem and one likely only to get worse if unchallenged. Only we have the power to stop mobile-centric people and allow them to live in the moment. We will send them to the depths of Room 101 to do them a service.

This piece originally featured in The Cricket Paper on Friday September 18, 2015

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